A bonded retainer is a form of metal retainer wire that is cemented to the back of your teeth.
It is also known as a permanent retainer. They are normally placed on the lower teeth from canine to canine, but in some cases, they are also inserted behind the upper teeth. Although they are not permanently attached to your teeth, they are sometimes referred to as "permanent retainers." The reason for this is because bonded retainers cannot be removed by the patient. They can, however, be removed by a dental specialist. The bonded retainer may be removed by polishing the adhesive that holds the wire in place, leaving the tooth enamel in good condition.The Advantage
Bonded retainers have the benefit of remaining in place 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with little participation from the patient other than keeping them clean. They cannot be overlooked, and parents do not need to inquire if their children are wearing their retainers. Most significantly, bonded retainers are put on the teeth that shift out of position the fastest and most frequently.Disadvantages
Although bonded retainers are the most effective technique to keep teeth in place, they are also the most difficult to maintain clean. Regular dental cleanings are an excellent approach to maintain cleanliness around bonded retainers and are an excellent answer for the majority of patients. Another disadvantage that occurs on sometimes is that the retainer wire becomes unglued and becomes uncomfortable to the patient's tongue.